Reset Codiad password

I use a Codiad instance on my webserver to host my coding projects. Unfortunately, I had neglected to save the password for one of my accounts and Codiad has no password recovery method built in. However, as long as you can access the data/users.php file on the server, you can change a user’s password to
This is the hashed value for the password “welcome”. That is, once changed for that user, they log in with their username and password “welcome”.

That’s it. Just remember to change the password once logged in.

SD Card re-formatter

Sometimes after setting up a micro SD card for use in a Raspberry Pi, it can be difficult to get it back to a normal out-of-the-box state. But the SD Card Formatter Tool from the SDĀ Association can take care of it in seconds. It doesn’t give a lot of fancy options, but when it’s done, you’ve got a plain ol’ SD card like it came from the factory.

Get it here.