SQLDeveloper and Java 1.7.0_80.jdk

SQLDeveloper needs to run under a Java version greater than 7 and less than 8. Installing the most up-to-date JDK gets you at least version 1.8.0_131 (as of 26 April, 2017). You can find older versions of Java from their Download Archives where I was able to find version 1.7.0_80.

Alas, even after installing this version, SQLDeveloper “sees” the newer version that I also have installed on my Macbook Pro and not the required JDK.  Luckily one Paulo Pedroso on the stackOverflow posted a solution which was to edit the file
(I used nano) to the line that reads
export JAVA_HOME-‘/use/libexec/java_home -v 1.7’
and simply change the 1.7 to 1.7.0_80.

Yup, that’s it.

Enable PowerTeacher Pro for individual sections

Using DDA with the Sections table, filter the course and sections you want to change – making sure you select the current year so that you do not convert previous years’ gradebooks. In DDA, Click “Modify Records”. In the drop-down menu, choose “Gradebook Type”=2 to change all the selected sections to the new PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook.

For future reference, to enable PTP for all courses, from PowerSource:
Enable PowerTeacher Pro: PowerTeacher Pro is enabled at a section level by setting the gradebook type. You can set this individually by section or en-masse using DDA or Quick Import. You can also set the default gradebook type of newly created sections to PowerTeacher Pro in PowerSchool from the District > PowerTeacher Pro Settings > Default Gradebook Type page . Setting a section to PowerTeacher Pro will cause it to become read-only in PowerTeacher Gradebook.

Changing Extensions in Finder – Disable Verification

When you change a file extension in Mac OS, you are asked to confirm that you actually want to do so. This can be annoying to those who routinely change say, .txt extensions to .csv. Thanks to KirkMC’s post in MacWorld, a simple Terminal command will disable that confirmation popup:

defaults write com.apple.finder FXEnableExtensionChangeWarning -bool false

Then just relaunch Finder for the change to take effect:

killall Finder